Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A deeper appreciation

With Mom and Dad in Hawaii I decided to stay in Oceanside with the kids. It's been a taste single parenthood, and boy oh boy is it crazy. Trying to take care of the baby, make sure Madi is ready for school and on top of her homework, making dinner, making lunch before Madi leaves for's all quite a bit of work. All the more reason I think Lily will be an only child for at least a couple years, I'd really like to be finished with all my schooling.
It's been nice being home though. I've been able to spend time with the kids and my cousins. Presten and Tristen love seeing Lily, and it brightens my day to see how excited they are to interact with her. Lily was making noises and we asked Presten what she was saying, "She's saying how much she loves me, and it's a lot." I really hope we can spend more time in Oceanside, I want Lily to get to know my family and build relationships with them. Gotta call Grams today, hopefully she can come by to see Lily.