Here's a picture of the guiness cupcakes with whiskey frosting and Jenga tower I made for TJ's Birthday. As well as the cake I made for Sadie's birthday. It was made of two layers of banana cake with chocolate sandwiched in between with fudge and a honey-cinnamon frosting. It was pretty yummy.
Pirates And Princesses
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Here's a picture of the guiness cupcakes with whiskey frosting and Jenga tower I made for TJ's Birthday. As well as the cake I made for Sadie's birthday. It was made of two layers of banana cake with chocolate sandwiched in between with fudge and a honey-cinnamon frosting. It was pretty yummy.
Crazy Coupon Lady
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A few random thoughts to get back into blogging
So, last night I was super excited to get a text message with a picture of the book 101 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married...with the message "can you tell who reads your blog." I am so happy to know that the random things I share on here make a difference one way or another to more than just me. It really is a great book and I highly recommend it. Her and I are reading it differently. She's actually reading it from beginning to end. I on the other hand read the list at the beginning and pick out different numbers from there to read.
Also, Little Miss Lil' is starting to use words! Real ones. Today she handed me her bottle and said "done." I know that it excites me more than it will excite most others, but that's okay...I'm a mom now that's my job :P I really think her list will be at twenty words by the end of February. Right now she says, "du" for duck, "ish" for fish, "da" for dad, the other day she said bottle. She also says truck and "tito" for tickle. I'm still waiting to hear "mom" or "mama" :)
It's a good thing that these little things have been occupying some space in my mind because I've noticed that my positive thinking streak has slowed down. The more negativity I let in the harder it is to be positive. It is extremely interesting to me how much work it is to be positive and how much work it isn't to let one negative thought turn into ten. I had a teacher in high school who said as long as you use a word three times it is yours. Meaning you will then hold an understanding of that word. I wonder if the same is true for thoughts. Maybe if I only write about the good, happy, positive things that I'm going through those will stick and the negative will slowly fall away again. Hmmm, it's something to think about I guess.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
For a completely perfect and joyful holiday season. It.can happen one year right? It's strange to me how every year lol clockwork at least one major life changing experience takes place and manifests itself negatively in my heart as well as many of those around me. Finding the new positive, happy person within myself has been a chore. Continuing to be that person when so many of the people closest to me are hurting. I try to be a "fixer" and these are things I have no control over.
My wish for those of you hurting is peace of mind and strength of soul. I hope the holidays and family togetherness eases your pains and troubles.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thoughts before finally, hopefully falling asleep
Although I am enjoying my time in oceanside, I am missing some of the most odd things...Cooking dinner, picking up toys all over the house, and hiding away in my bedroom with Lily. I definitely don't miss laundry or dishes though,they came with me :P
It's strange, the longer I'm away the harder it is to fall asleep. There is no separation of blankets, no fan blocking out every sound, no documentaries before bed. It really is the little things that make all the difference in life.
A filler post?
Tomorrow will be an interesting day for my new "positive" attitude. Harry was supposed to come home from the hospital tonight, but I'm still not sure that has happened...kinda hoping it hasn't. Tomorrow will start with mass for Uncle Raymond followed by a trip to the cemetery with Grams. Part of me is trying to prepare now, but the other part of me thinks I should just let whatever happens happen. It's kinda difficult for me though.