Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finally a quiet sleeping baby...

The last two days have been pretty trying on my emotions, patience, and body. Lily has been pretty high maintenance, which is unlike her. I had this plan on putting together a schedule and starting to get my lesson plans ready for when I go back to work...well that didn't exactly happen. Lily would only nap for twenty minutes at a time, not a whole lot of time to get anything done. So I didn't get any lesson planning finished, completed very little homework, and did one load of laundry...unproductive :/ Today I knew would be better, so far it is, but not by much. Lily didn't sleep well last night, just the same as during the day, she only slept for about twenty minutes at a time. Tried letting her cry herself back to sleep, but it's hard because we aren't the only ones her crying affects so I would end up getting up with her. By 5 I just left her in bed with me so that I could get some sleep otherwise I probably would've gone crazy. Lily woke up just as grumpy this morning. She played for maybe ten minutes then cried until I picked her up. Usually she loves sitting in her chair in the bathroom while I shower...the sound of the water always calms her...today that lasted a whole of two minutes. By ten she was yawning and oh so tired, but she wouldn't nap. I tried rocking her, giving her a pacifier, and eventually just left her in her crib to cry herself to sleep. After twenty minutes of crying and still no sleep I put her in her stroller and took her for a walk. Thirty minutes later we are in the living room. She is finally asleep, but I don't dare take her out of her stroller. I'm eating for the first time today, and hopefully I can get some phone calls, laundry, and homework in this time!...At least she's slept long enough for me to write this :)

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