Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Been a while...

A lot has happened since I last posted, but there is no way I will get you all caught up! So in short, we had an amazing vacation in Washington and Idaho! It was so good to see everyone, I really wish there was a way to split our time half and half between here and there. I had a bit of a break from school and now I have started back up, and it is attacking me with a vengeance! At least it's material that I like though. I'm taking Infant/Toddler. Last week we focused on classroom set up, this week is about material and curriculum, and throughout the entire course we are discussing how early education is approached in other countries.

Wednesdays are Jared's long days...which translate into my long Bridget came by and took Lily for a run so I could get some reading done. We've decided this will be a weekly thing because we get our time together before she and Matt head to NC. Her and I traveled down memory lane for a while today...more my memories than hers, but she got to know a person she didn't get a chance to meet :) It's good to know he's still looking out for all of us...even those who are new to the group. I've been thinking a lot lately about where Forrest would be today, wondering if he's looking down smiling at where the rest of us are, hoping he really is a silent partner in our daily lives. I haven't been in a while and think it might be time for a visit to the creek.

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