Saturday, December 10, 2011

"The world wont ever change if you only stay the same"

Some decisions we make in life are for the better and others are not. They all have at least two things in common though. First of all, we are the ones ultimately making the decision giving us some control over what happens. Secondly, all the choices made over the years lead us down our life's journey. Sometimes I look at some of the choices I have made and wonder "Why didn't I think that through with a little more logic." But in reality I did what I thought would be most beneficial at the time. There is no way I could have know where it would take me later on in life.

The only reason these thoughts have come to mind in the last few days is because I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life. That doesn't mean I am unhappy with where I am. I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter who I have been able to be a SAHM to for the last year. I have a boyfriend who has provided financial stability which has made it possible for me to stay at home with our daughter. I am only a handful of classes away from my bachelor's. Like I said, I am not unhappy with where I am...just ready to make some choices that will bring me closer to the plans I have had for myself.

I've always gone back and forth with realizing I have to include Him in my decision making...sometimes I just want to do it all on my own.

"The world wont ever change if you only stay the same"...Jake Coco, I'd Give You The song of the moment. well, one of a few anyways.

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