Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'll be the candle and you be the flame

I had a dream last night that tore me to pieces inside. I had let the stresses of life get the better of me and didn't fight for what I wanted. I let it all go, giving in to what I thought was what you wanted. It was one of the hardest things I've gone through, and it was only a dream.

I've been on a lyric kick recently. I hear something and think, wow that really speaks to me in this way. One of my songs this morning was Don't Go by Jake Coco. There are two lines I can't get out of my head. The first is the title of today's post, "I'll be the candle and you be the flame." I thought this line was beautiful. I will be here to help you shine when you are ready. The meaning for me is a bit deeper, for now though this is sufficient. The other line is, "They say you don't know what you've got til it's gone"...all I could think of was, I'm not willing to wait that long. I need to know and appreciate what I have now, not later. You never know what will happen today, let alone tomorrow, or five years down the road.

"One day" isn't my favorite. I like to have plans for the future. I like to know where I am looking. But for now "one day," is what I have and what I am choosing to look towards.

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